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World's Best


It takes hard work and determination along with considerable investment in people and technology to gain accreditation by the BMW Group. Panel One has not only achieved this, but the Company has successfully retained its accreditation for more than 30 years; a fact that helps explain why Panel One is widely regarded as Sydney's premier prestige car repairer. It also say's a great deal about the people who have taken the Company for a humble workshop to a highly specialised repairer for Audi, BMW, Land Rover, Jaguar and more recently Mazda.


There is a significant difference between the cost of a luxury saloon and a mid-priced sedan and it's what you get for the price that makes up that difference. The difference can be found in the materials, the methods of construction, advanced computer technology and integrated safety systems that define a prestige car today and result in a motor vehicle that's packed with as much technology as a small jet.


To repair a car of this nature takes more than good eyesight, a steady hand and a car makers manual. It requires an intimate knowledge of the vehicle’s design, construction as well as its safety systems; areas where Panel One excels.


This provides Panel One with the capability to fix minor collisions and major structural repairs, touch ups, paintless dent repairs, windscreen and glass repair/replacement. All this work is done on-site, while mechanical servicing if required is managed through the relevant dealerships. Panel One is also highly experienced in used car valuations and end of lease appraisals.


With ongoing investment in the latest technology and equipment, the Panel One facility is state-of-the-art and a shining example of world's best practice. Recent additions include:


Body Alignment Jigs

Ensures all body alignment points of your BMW are lined up to the original BMW factory standard as it was on the showroom floor.


Kinematic Diagnostic System

Extremely accurate and sophisticated equipment that returns the suspension geometry of your BMW to the exacting factory tolerances.


Diagnostic Systems Technology

The ‘Diagnostic Information System’ and ‘Car-o-tonic’ are used to determines the extent of damage before any repairs take place and provide valuable post analysis.

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